Jan 27, 2012

Hempseed oil in Europe

Now, it is easy to buy premium quality hempseed oil in all EU countries as it can be purchased online at www.organic-hemp-oil.com

Hempseed oil is consumed because of ideal Omega 3 and Omega 6 ratio and is suitable for the whole family!

Jan 21, 2012

Hanföl Österreich

We are happy to announce the sales of BIO hempseed oil has now started in Austria. The oil can be purchased via web page www.bio-hanf-oel.at

Hempseed oil - European names

A list od European names for "Hemp oil" or "Hempseed oil":

aceite de cáñamo
aceite de semilla de cáñamo
cnáib ola
hamp frø olje
hamp olie
hamp olje
hampa olja
Hampefrø olie
hampi fræ olía
hampi olíu
hamppu öljy
Hampunsiemenet öljy
Hennepzaad olie
kanapių aliejus
Kanapių sėklų aliejus
kanepi õli
kanepiseemnete õli
kaņepju eļļa
Kaņepju sēklu eļļa
kender olaj
kendermag olaj
konoplja ulje
konopljino olje
konopný olej
l'huile de chanvre
L'huile de chanvre
olej konopi
olej z nasion konopi
óleo de cânhamo
óleo de semente de cânhamo
oli de cànem
Oli de llavor de cànem
olio di canapa
olio di semi di canapa
qanneb taż-żejt
síolta ola cnáib
ulei de canepa
ulei din seminţe de cânepă
κάνναβης πετρελαίου
κάνναβης σπορέλαιο
коноп нафта
коноп семе нафта
Конопено семе масло
Конопляне масло