May 9, 2016

Who is afraid of HEMP?

Months ago I was invited to develop the product design and marketing campaign for Cebedin – premium qualityCBD oil. Considering the product is safe and 100 % legal (it is produced and distributed in Europe) I was shocked to realise marketing campaigns were blocked by Facebook and PayPal blocked company’s account. 

If the product is legal, why? What motivates these giants to continue campaigns about this useful plant? Who orders them to do so?

For those of you who don’t know, CBD is short for Cannabidiol, which is one of more than 110 Cannabinoids identified in Cannabis / Hemp.

CBD is interesting, because it is accounting for up to 40% of plant’s extract and therefore one of key Cannabinoids. The other interesting bit about CBD is the fact it is not psycho-active, so unlike THC – Tetrahydrocannabinol (the other important Cannabinoid) it will not get you high.

This means CBD is safe to use and as you will have no problems discovering there are numerous active and completed clinical studies that prove positive effects of CBD on human health. It is safe for children, seniors and everyone in between. The number of active studies might positively surprise you, but maybe even more so the list of diseases being treated with Cannabinoids.

So, you don’t have to listen to over-excited Cannabis activists screaming about “the cure for Cancer”, looking at it from the scientific point of view will do. I would not go as far as claiming it is the cure for Cancer just yet, but the number of other diseases (in some cases also where synthetic drugs don’t work) is just impressive.

Did you know that Cannabis has been used in medicine throughout human history? First notes about it’s usage come from China and are more than 10.000 years old. Products like “Cannabis drops” could be found in pharmacies across the world even some 50 years ago. 

Countries across the globe encouraged farmers to grow Hemp also because it can me used for producing numerous other products like food, clothing, ropes, fiber, isolation,…

Than something changed and this plant became a treat to the world. It is hard to know what that was, but many believe Cannabis became a threat to Pharma, Tobacco, and Oil industry and the decision was made to ban the plant.

Mostly thank to internet and common sense Cannabis is coming back. Some brave countries across the globe have legalized Cannabis and guess what. Overall crime rate did not go up, number of Heroin addicts did not go up and the economy benefited on many segments. These cases show, without any doubt, criminalizing Cannabis was a mistake. Not to mention HEMP, the variety of Cannabis (almost) without the psycho-active THC.

I once read that banning Hemp because it looks like Marijuana is like making powdered sugar illegal, because it looks like Cocaine. Interesting thought.

CBD oil Cebedin contains below 0.2% THC, which is below detection. That is why it is legal to produce and sell in Europe. It is safe. It will not get you high. It should not be banned anywhere in the world. Well, no plant should be for that matter, but that is a different subject.

If CBD oil Cebedin is made of Hemp, has almost no THC and is legal to produce and distribute, why do Facebook and PayPal have problems with it? If true authorities don't mind, why should Facebook and paypal?

What motivates them to block accounts that promote Hemp. Don’t they realise the internet is about being free and resourceful? Don’t they realise people will never stop searching for the truth?

Shame of you Facebook
Shame on you PayPal

Your actions are simply sad. Oh, and don’t forget to punish the companies who sell that powdered sugar!