Dec 20, 2013

Manipulating Marijuana: Monsanto and Syngenta Invest In RNA Interference Technology

By Tracy Giesz-Ramsay, Cannabis Culture - Tuesday, July 30 2013


Having been cultivated and used ceremonially, recreationally and medicinally for thousands of years, cannabis – despite prohibitive laws surrounding the non-medicinal use of the plant – is undoubtedly on the radar of big agribusiness.

These companies would certainly turn a profit from developing a patentable transgenic seed for sole distribution if the use of cannabis were to become legal. It would be easy for these companies to create a monopoly over the industry by abusing their ties with federal regulators. This has all been a point of much debate within the cannabis community for many years.
With this in mind, it's fair to say that one of the only positives of marijuana prohibition, with the art of breeding, growing and distributing cannabis heavily underground for most of its commercial history, the Big 6 seed and chemical companies have not been able to dominate the industry with their patented technologies.

The trouble: things may change soon. Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF, Bayer, Dow and DuPont have, until recently, largely focused their energy on monopolizing the food industry, but some have developed a keen interest in this still-illegal plant as well.
Whether the backwards idea of keeping psychoactive plants entirely prohibited continues, or whether full legalization is granted, or simply if only medicinal liberties remain the loophole on marijuana use, these companies are seeking new and preparatory ways to cash-in on the popular use of cannabis.

With bureaucratic regulation of medicinal use of the plant being discussed in the halls of government and on its way to becoming the standard, many agro-companies are set to be outsourced as the main providers of medicinal pot. For obvious reasons then, these companies are already underway researching genetically modified (GM) cannabis in order to control its THC content.
If these corporations are given sole administrative power of seed distribution to the licensed medicinal outlets, they may want to keep THC at very low concentrations of 3 to 5%. On the contrary, if by retract of the recent medicinal freedom, pot becomes entirely prohibited once again, they can still benefit by joining hands with the champions of the drug war and eradicating THC content in the plant entirely.

THC: Potency the Natural Way

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, one of the psychoactive components in marijuana, has always been the subject of artful breeding. Without GM technology, experienced growers have perfected ancient methods of breeding organic cannabis with around 10% or more THC. By use of a natural cultivation process called human selection – a sped up form of natural selection – marijuana growers have been learning how to increase THC content without the use of any lab or corporate product.
This has enabled the marijuana world to maintain independence from the massive seed and chemical companies.

Of course, deep knowledge of the plant, extensive farming practices, genuine care and time spent in order to learn how to breed this useful plant, are a must for growers who want to deliver a truly organic, naturally cultivated and increasingly potent product.
In North America, British Columbia has been a place of highly concentrated talent – growers from all over the world come to the Northwest to take advantage of its nutrient-rich soil, prime weather conditions, and historically lax laws to learn how to grow potent marijuana, learning the best techniques to breed a product with a high THC content.

The concentration of organic-friendly farmers and environmentally concerned activists in the area have been a bonus to growers who, like tomato and arugula cultivators, learn from each other using permaculture-based methods (to ward off pests naturally without pesticides or BT technology, for instance) and thereby nurture prime conditions for growing successful healthy crops.
With the demand for potent BC Bud always increasing, of course there will be those attracted to growing with purely profit-driven motives. Rather than take the time and patience to learn true farming practices, some unexperienced growers will look to chemical companies to help increase their crop yields.

GM cannabis has already been developed for purely pharmaceutical use and to license to the government for medicinal study in laboratories. At the same time, over the last ten years, the realization that these chemicals and genetically modified versions of our ingestible plants could possibly cause major health problems like cancer, has been front and center on the stage of awareness.

Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund and other advocacy groups have said the risks of GM technologies have not been adequately identified or resolved. Opponents also question the objectivity of regulatory authorities.

The fight against GM food will surely heat up as this awareness increases. With the close-knit relationship between those who enjoy an organic plant-based diet and those who enjoy using marijuana, agribusiness might be safely kept away from cannabis cultivation – just so long as growers who value the true art of growing stick to their ancient practices, and those who are destructively profit-driven are pushed out.
But this will require high levels of consumer awareness. Medicinal patients should also demand their medicinal marijuana doesn't come from the laboratory, but rather, to have experienced organic growers be the government's source for licensed marijuana.

RNA interference

The biggest concern with cannabis and GM control now remains. While they gain a monopoly over medical marijuana, the challenge of governments who continue to wage the ostensible "War on Drugs" is being taken on by some of the Big 6. Monsanto and Syngenta are currently investing millions of dollars into a new GM technology called RNA interference.

RNAi, as it's also known, is a method where the RNA - which is the code from a plant or animal's DNA that tells its proteins how to organize in order to create, say, what colour the plant will be - is interfered with. In RNAi, double-stranded RNA is inserted so that this original code is obstructed; so that the pigmentation instructions don't make it to the proteins.

Scientists in Spain have successfully injected double-stranded RNA into a purple petunia to interfere with the genes that usually tell the flower to turn purple. Where the RNA code translation was interfered with, the flower grew white stripes where the proteins had no information on how to organize in order to create the colouring.

This process initially stepped into development as an alternative to insecticides: if you can insert double-stranded RNA into a plant's seed that is designed to interfere with the offending insect's RNA instructions for, say, digestive capabilities, after ingesting the plant and therefore the RNAi, the pest will no longer be able to eat.

More on this science has been in the works. Testing has already been done creating double-stranded RNA that have been injected into spider mites, the most resilient of crop pests, which interferes with the RNA instructing the mites' proteins on muscle development so the sider mite can no longer move.
The problem with this process is that the transgenic genes intended to interfere with the plant or the pest will then be ingested by the human. No matter how small an amount this gene interference is intended to be, there are scientists raising red flags about the potential harm this could have on our own biological systems or cell and protein development.

GM Cannabis

Here, the potential applications of this technology for the cannabis industry step onto the stage: imagine what genetic instructions within the cannabis plant might be interfered with. Certainly to profit from the billions spent on the Drug War in its attempt to eradicate the world of psychoactive plants, these companies might offer a rendition of this GM technology where genes determining THC content are interfered with.

If it weren't for the growing evidence that GM and RNAi crops may be damaging to humans, it's possible to imagine a host of potential benefits to genetically modifying the cannabis plant. Larger, more potent, and pest-resistent grow shows are an attractive proposition, but are they worth the many risks?

RNAi technology is still in its elementary development stage and they're currently testing methods by which to administer it. A spray that contains this double-stranded RNAi technology, is thought to be the most marketable, but in Spain, injecting RNAi directly into the seed has been the focus of their extensive research. Another step before making it to the market is the question of how to regulate it for food-safety and health risks.

Developers of RNAi technology estimate that it could take 5 to 10 years to bring the technology up to code, so there is still time to help support and empower organic growers and non-GM cultivators.
Canada will soon employ a new commercial medical marijuana production system, where large-scale producers will be permitted to grow cannabis and distribute it through the mail. If you have a licence to purchase cannabis for medicinal use in Canada, tell Health Canada to you will not accept a product that has been interfered with using GM or RNAi technology.

In the United States, it could be a long while before the federal government allows any kind of research and development into GM cannabis, let alone any kind of sales or distribution for medical or recreational purposes, but things are moving quickly at the state level.

The slogan "Know Your Farmer" has gained popularity over the years in enlightened agricultural circles. In order to save our most ancient and beloved psychoactive plants from falling into the hands and under the control of the agri-chem profiteers, let everyone remember the slogan "Know Your Grower."

Hard work, pure talent, and unparalleled dedication to the natural world will continue to deliver us both our health and our freedom.


Oct 28, 2013

Olio di canapa - FAQ's

Si è a conoscenza di effetti collaterali dovuti all’uso di olio di canapa?

Non si è a conoscenza di consumatori che hanno riscontrato effetti collaterali. L'olio di canapa però depura l'organismo e aiuta la digestione, ciò vuol dire che molto probabilmente sentiremo più spesso il bisogno di andare al bagno.

Bisogna rispettare qualsiasi precauzione?

Se avete dubbi, consigliatevi con il vosto medico. Facendo un uso normale dell'olio di canapa, esso non può nuocere alla vostra salute. Gli oli ricchi di Omega 3 e omega 6 diluiscono il sangue quindi se avete problemi in questo senso consultate il vostro medico.

Posso dare l'olio di canapa agli animali domestici?

Si! L'olio di canapa è un ottimo cibo anche per gli animali domestici. Tutti i mammiferi, come gli umani hanno bisogno di acidi grassi essenziali. Adeguate la quantità alle dimensioni dell'animale. Le dosi consigliate sono 5 ml. (o circa 1 ml di olio di canapa per 5 kg di peso corporeo).

L'olio di canapa è legale?

Si, l'olio di canapa e assolutamente legale e salutare. Certo, qui parliamo di olio di canapa estratto da semi di canapa industriale. L'olio di canapa viene venduto e consumato in oltre 35 paesi, ad esempio in tuti i paesi della UE, USA e Canada. L'olio di canapa viene ricavato da semi di canapa industriale che viene usata anche per la produzione di carta, corda, cosmetici,...

Il consumo dell'olio di canapa si può paragonare all'uso di droghe?

No! Assolutamente no. L'olio di canapa contiene quantità irrilevanti (se) di THC – tetraidrocannabinolo – una sostanza che troviamo nella canapa indica.

Qual'e la differenza fra la canapa indiana e quella industriale?

Si tratta di due tipi di pianta differenti che derivano dalla cannabis sativa L. La differenza principale è nella sostanza psicoattiva – THC. Mentre la canapa indiana ne contiene in media fra il 5 ed il 20%, la canapa industriale ne può contenere al massimo 0,2%.

Esistono studi scientifici sulla effetti curativi dell'olio di canapa?

Certo, sono stati fatti diversi studi e ricerche sugli effetti curativi dell'olio di canapa. Vi invitiamo ad aiutarvi con internet per trovare articoli interessanti, che sono stati pubblicati da medici e scienziati.

L'olio di canapa si può guastare / diventare velenoso?

L'olio di canapa ha (come tuti gli olii) una certa scadenza – solitamente parliamo di circa 12 mesi (dipende dal produttore). Scaldandolo oltre i 150 gradi centigradi si cominciano a creare sostanze indesiderate, quindi l'olio non è adatto alla cottura/frittura e va consumato freddo.

I bambini possono consumare olio di canapa?

Certo. E' vivamente consigliato. A causa dello stile di vita poco salutare e ad un'alimentazione inappropriata spesso non assumiamo sufficienti sostanze di cui il nostro corpo ha bisogno. Anche i bambini come gli adulti non hanno un'alimentazione sufficientemente sana ed equilibrata. Proprio gli acidi grassi essenziali sono quelli che vengono a mancare più spesso. E' d'obbligo però rispettare il peso corporeo del bambino e adeguarne le quantità.

Perchè usare l'olio di canapa nei cibi di tutti i giorni?

L'olio di canapa rappresenta una ricca fonte di acidi grassi essenziali: omega 3, omega 6 e l'acido alfalinoleico GLA. Il nostro corpo non è in grado di sintetizzare gli acidi grassi essenziali e deve quindi ottenerli dal cibo. L'omega 3 e l'omega 6 si trovano in un rapporto biochimico ottimale (3:1), il che è addirittura ideale per l'alimentazione umana. La peculiarità dell'olio di canapa consiste nell'essere l'unico olio commestibile contenente metaboliti diretti di acido gamma-linoleico (GLA) e di acido stearico (SDA). Gli acidi grassi essenziali vengono estratti da semi di canapa e sono allo stesso tempo una ricca fonte di proteine (circa 25%) contenente tutti i nove aminoacidi essenziali. La presenza di questi acidi grassi migliora la condizione della nostra pelle come ad es. nel caso di psoriasi o acne. L'olio di canapa aiuta nel caso di infiammazioni, ad es. artirte reumatica, osteoporosi, malattia di Crohn, colite,...

L'olio di canapa aiuta nel caso di allergie?

In sostanza sì, in quanto ha un effetto molto benefico sul funzionamento di fibre e cellule del nostro corpo. In caso di seri problemi allergenici vi dovete rivolgere subito al vostro medico di fiducia.

Che gusto ha l'olio di canapa?

L'olio di canapa di qualità ha un gentile sapore di noci e potrete quindi consumarlo tranquillamente a cucchiaio. Sul mercato si possono trovare diverse varianti aromatizzate, spesso al gusto di aglio, basilico o peperoncino.

Posso consumario l'olio di canapa nel caso di allergia alle noci?

Si, l'olio di canapa è adatto nel caso di allergie. Il seme di canapa è un frutto e non appartiene alle noci. Non si è a conoscenza di reazioni allergiche ai semi o all'olio.

Come conservare l'olio di canapa una volta aperta la bottiglia?

Gli acidi grassi assenziali si possono danneggiare se esposti alla luce, alte temperature e all'aria, quindi l'olio viene spremuto a freddo senza ossigeno. Una volta aperta la bottiglia raccomandiamo di conservare l'olio in frigorifero. Per prolungarne la durata l'olio viene travasato in bottiglie di vetro scuro che non espone il contenuto alla luce. Vi consigliamo, una volta aperto, di consumarlo entro tre mesi.

Qual'è la differenza fra l'olio di canapa biologico e quello »normale«?

La differenza consiste nel metodo di colitivazione della terra, dove cresce la canapa. I prodotti che vantano il certificato BIO, sono coltivati nel rispetto di severi standard e sono sottoposti a rigidi controlli. Sono quindi prodotti più sani. Considerando il fatto che vanno consumati crudi vi consigliamo in ogno caso prodotti con la certificazione di produizione biologica. Nonostante gli oli di canapa senza certificazione BIO abbiano un prezzo inferiore raccomandiamo esclusivamente l'olio con la certificazione BIO.

Come posso sapere se l'olio di canapa ha la certificazione BIO?

Non temete. I produttori che lavorano sotto rigidi controlli saranno lieti di precisare che si tratta di olio Biologico indicando il tipo di certificazione. I produttori senza certificato non ne faranno cenno. Prima dell'acquisto vi consigliamo quindi di verificare il tipo di certificazione dell'olio di canapa che volete ordinare.

Oct 7, 2013

Video: Olio di canapa – Pressato a freddo con amoreideo

Cos'è l'olio di canapa?

L'olio di canapa si ricava dalla spremitura dei semi di canapa industriale ed è apprezzato specialmente per i suoi ricchi contenuti di acidi grassi essenziali dei gruppi omega 3 e omega 6.

Assumendo regolarmente olio di canapa mettiamo a disposizione del nostro corpo molte sostanze benefiche, tra cui l’acido linolico e quello alfa-linoleico che l'essere umano non è in grado di sintetizzare e deve quindi assumerlo col cibo.

L'olio di canapa di qualità è di colore verde smeraldo ed ha un delicato sapore che ricorda le noci. Grazie al suo gusto gradevole molti lo consumano crudo, acucchiaiate!

Uso dell'olio di canapa

E' importante evitare di riscaldarlo a temperature elevate, perchè con il calore distruggeremmo la maggior parte delle sostanze salutari.

Possiamo usare l'olio di canapa per arricchire smoothies e frullati, nelle insalate, per preparare bruschette e salsine varie.

E' raccomandato l'uso regolare giornaliero dell'olio di canapa nelle quantità consigliate, che per un adulto equivale a 2 cucchiai.

Perchè l'olio di canapa canadese?

Il Canada è rinomato per l'eccezionale qualità del suo olio di canapa, in quanto vengono usate solo delle specie attentamente selezionate di canapa caratterizzate da contenuti superiori di acidi grassi essenziali benefici.

Il Produttore Hemp Oil Canada fa largo uso di tecnologia avanzata ed usa esclusivamente sia la spremitura che la filtrazione a freddo.

Oltretutto, il nostro olio di canapa si fregia di numerose certificazioni che ne garantiscono la qualità. A parte la certificazione biologica, il nostro olio può vantare la certificazione GMP e della food and safety system.

Per ulteriori informazioni siamo a disposizione al numero di telefono 040 215 81 91 – ogni giorno dalle ore 8.00 alle 19.00 – vi invitiamo inoltre a visitare il nostro sito:

Aug 8, 2013

Video - konopljino olje (Slovenia)

Bija d.o.o., producer of premium quality hempseed oil, published an interesting video that for now exists only in Slovene. Other languages are soon to follow, they say.

Aug 6, 2013

The health benefits of hemp oil

Hemp seed and oil has been called "Nature’s Perfect Food for Humanity" - a wealth of health for everyone.

The oil can be used as part of a nutritional programme to maintain and improve good health. With a pleasant nutty flavour, Hemp Seed Oil is ideal for use in salad dressings, mayonnaise, dips etc. It is not suitable for frying as this reduces the benefits.

Hemp has had a long-standing relationship with humanity; modern science reveals that it contains all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary for human life, as well as a rare protein known as globule edestins that is very similar to the globulin found in human blood plasma.

Four years after the Marijuana Tax Act passed in the US, a researcher writing for a 1941 edition of Science lamented the loss of access to the hemp seed's rare and important globule edistins; "Passage of the Marijuana Law of 1937 has placed restrictions upon trade in hempseed that, in effect, amount to prohibition....”

Hemp seeds contain the most balanced and richest natural single source of essential oils for human consumption. The E.F.A.'s not only help to restore wasting bodies, but also improve damaged immune systems, so it is not so surprising that modern researchers have studied them in relationship to the modern immune attacking AIDS virus. (Eidlman, M.D., Hamilton, ED.D, Ph.D 1992).

Hemp oil is natures most balanced oil for human nutrition (3:1 LA to LNA ratio) and is easily digestible; in fact this oil could provide all of our Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) requirements for life, due to the balanced 80% EFA content of the oil.

Research has shown that this nutritional oil was once a part of worldwide dietary intake, as it was one of the first cultivated crops. All natural foods contain some substances, which are essential to life. Oils for example, found in nuts and seeds, contain significantly higher amounts of essential fatty acids than other foods.

Much information about Hemp has been systematically removed from written texts since the 1930's and is now difficult to find. Many of the myths about hemp, perpetuated by governments to this day relating to hemp being a drug crop are incorrect and simply propaganda created to make way for synthetic man made products.

Alpha Linolenic acid (LNA) Deficiency Symptoms - Omega 3

The symptoms of LNA deficiency include: Growth retardation, weakness, impairment of vision and learning ability, motor incoordination, tingling in arms and legs, behavioural changes.

Adding LNA back into the diet from which it is missing can reverse these symptoms. Other symptoms that can result from LNA (or w3) deficiency include; High triglycerides, high blood pressure, sticky platelets, tissue inflammation, edema, dry skin, mental deterioration, low metabolic rate, some kinds of immune dysfunction

Linoleic acid (LA) Deficiency Symptoms - Omega 6

The symptoms of LA deficiency include: Eczema-like skin eruptions, loss of hair, liver degeneration, behavioural disturbances, kidney degeneration, excessive water loss through the skin accompanied by thirst, drying up of glands, susceptibility to infections, failure of wound healing, sterility in males, miscarriage in females, arthritis-like conditions, heart and circulatory problems, growth retardation.  Prolonged absence of LA from the diet is fatal. Adding LA back into the diet from which it is missing can reverse all of the deficiency symptoms.

In 1955 the Czechoslovakian Tubercular Nutrition Study concluded that hemp seed was the "Only food that can successfully treat the consumptive disease tuberculosis, in which the nutritive processes are impaired and the body wastes away"(Robinson 1996).

Dr. Johana Budwig – A pioneer of Essential Fatty Acid Research

The seven-time Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Johana Budwig, a pioneer of E.F.A research, reported success in treating heart infraction, arthritis, cancer and other common diseases with massive doses of E.F.A.'s.   Budwig's research indicates that many of these killer and crippling diseases may be caused in part by our diet of saturated fat and trans-fat, which are present in much of the food we eat. According to this healing Doctor, saturated fat and trans-fat befuddle the electronic charge of the unsaturated oils, which are present in cell membranes.

‘This decreases the cells ability to receive and store electrons from the sun, which according to Budwig is a key factor in human health.’

Alternatively, a balanced diet of E.F.A’s keeps the charge of the unsaturated fats in the cells membranes working properly and electron rich. As Budwig herself explains:

"The sun's rays are very much in harmony with humans. It is no coincidence that we love the sun. The resonance in our biological tissue is so strongly tuned to the absorption of solar energy that physicists who occupy themselves with this scientific phenomenon, the quantum biologists say that there is nothing on earth that has a higher concentration of solar energy photons than humans. This enrichment with solar energy depends strongly on the like energy aspects, a wavelength that is compatible with humans, and this is supported when we eat foods that have electromagnetic waves of solar rays--the photon. An abundance of these electrons, which are tuned to the solar energy frequency, exist, for example, in   many seed oils. Scientifically these oils have even been designated as electron-rich, essential, highly unsaturated fats. (Budwig 1992)

Budwig states that when we began to homogenize vegetable oils so that they would store better, we unknowingly changed their E.F.A. content into saturated fats in the ensuing heating process. These E.F.A. robbed, thus electron poor   "promote the emergence of cancer.... They behave like tar, as insulators relative to the transport of electrons in living tissue." Alternatively, "electron-rich highly unsaturated oils... increase the absorption, storage and utilization of the sun's energy".

 Budwig relates that after her ailing patients have been treated with an E.F.A. rich diet and then "lie in the sun, they notice they feel much better-rejuvenated"; (Budwig 1992)   "On the other hand, nowadays we frequently observe that the heart fails on sunny beaches, and not infrequently heart attacks occur. We can observe some individuals in our time experiencing stress from exposure to the sun’s energy, whereas others respond with dynamic improvement in all vital functions.

The stimulating effect that sunshine has on the secretions of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, bladder, and salivary glands is easy to observe. These organs only dry out upon exposure to sunshine when the substance that stimulates secretions is missing. The decisive factor in all these observations is   whether the surface-active, electron-rich, highly unsaturated fats are present as a resonating system for solar energy, or, if they are missing. The doctor tells cancer patients to avoid the sun; that they can't tolerate the sun.

As soon as these patients--also cancer patients--were placed on my oil-Protein   diet for just 2-3 days, i.e. a diet that   contains an abundant supply of essential fats, they were able to tolerate the sun very well. Yes, they emphasize how well they suddenly feel in the sun, how the life forces are stimulated and that   they feel dynamically energized."(Budwig 1992)

In times of worry about increased exposure to the sun's rays the E.F.A. rich oils provided by hemp may offer us hope. In her writings about the sun's effect on the cell membrane's electrons, Budwig referred to the work of the quantum physicist Dessauer, "If it were possible to increase the concentration of solar electrons tenfold in this biological electron rich molecule, man would live to be 10,000 years old."

Benefits of Cold Pressing

Oils should be pressed with a minimum of heat because the higher the temperature of the oil the faster it is destroyed by light, oxygen and other chemical reactions. The shape and properties of Fatty-acid molecules can change lowering their nutritional and biological value.

In the UK we do not have restrictions on pressing oil from live seed unlike America where the seed has to be killed by high temperatures to allow it to be imported. With this seed is it is not possible to press fresh living oil that remains stable with a longer shelf life. Hemp oil is legal in the UK.

How to use

With a pleasant nutty flavour, Hemp Seed Oil is ideal for use in salad dressings, mayonnaise, dips etc. Not suitable for frying as this reduces the benefits. May be taken as a nutritional supplement for general health and well being.

We recommend mixing with Barley Grass Powder,  providing the benefits of the soluble proteins in Barley Grass Powder, along with all the huge array of other  nutrients. (Organic yogurt can be used as an alternative Barley Grass Powder) Use 1 dessertspoons of Hemp oil to one heaped dessertspoon of Barley grass juice powder, (or half a cup of organic yogurt) half a glass of chemical free water, (do not use tap water, the chlorine in tap water turns nutrients into toxic, even carcinogenic chemicals!). This mix can be taken once or twice daily. The combination forms the basis of a powerful therapy that Dr Budwig used, and helps to deliver sunlight from sensible sun exposure to the cells for maximum benefit.

Hemp oil can also be used externally on the skin, easily absorbed and moisturising, suitable for poor condition skin.

From our batch tests, it appears that rancidity increases at an exponential rate. I.E. low PV value at time of pressing takes longer to oxidise. We have found that our oil has the ability to be stable for at least six months if stored in the refrigerator. Oil is pressed fresh for each order and then dispatched to the customer in dark brown glass bottles.

How much is needed?

Recommended daily intake for a person with an average build/ body fat profile is 2-4 dessert spoons (up to 50 ml) per day, or in the case of therapy this can be increased up to 150ml per day for approximately 7 days then reverting to the normal daily intake amount. The requirement of oil intake is now widely accepted as being 15%-20% of calorific requirement (daily average of 2000 calories for an average adult). EFA oils contain embodied energy of 9 calories per ml, which is mainly used by the body for structural, hormonal and electrical functions, rather than energy.

What are the beneficial properties of Hemp Seed Oil?

Because Hemp Seed Oil is such a rich source of both LA (Omega 6) and LNA (Omega 3) in balanced proportions, conditions caused by deficiencies in both can be treated with one oil.

The functions of LNA include: Production of smooth skin increased stamina, speeds healing, increases vitality, brings a feeling of calmness, reduces inflammation, water retention, platelet stickiness and blood pressure, enhances immune functions, reduces the pain and swelling of arthritis, can reverse pre-menstrual syndrome, can treat bacterial infections, brain development in children.

The functions of LA include

Energy production, growth vitality, mental state, oxygen transfer, formation of cell membrane, recovery from fatigue, secretion production in exocrine and endocrine glands, formation of prostaglandin's (to maintain cardiovascular system) keeping body fluids liquid, helping immune system resist and fight infection, prevention of allergies, functioning of heart tissue

The functions of GLA include

Conversion of LA to the beneficial prostaglandin's, cholesterol lowering actions, useful in treating degenerative diseases.    The Oleic Acid (Omega 9) contained in Hemp Seed Oil helps keep arteries supple because of its fluidity. In excess Oleic acid can interfere with EFA's and prostaglandin's.

The low level of Stearic acid (18:0) in Hemp Seed Oil is beneficial as high levels of Stearic acid are more likely to form flow-impeding clots in blood vessels and work against the healing qualities of the EFA's.
Palmitic acid  (16:0) commonly found as a high percentage in animal fats and tropical oils, it raises cholesterol levels.

Vitamins: are also present notably C, E, B1, B2 and carotene in a fat soluble, easily digestible form.

Minerals: mainly Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium

Please note, oils that have been high temperature and solvent extracted then refined (most oils in the supermarkets) do not have the benefits left in them but contain detrimental Trans-fatty acids from hydrogenation.

EFA's increase metabolic rate, therefore increasing fat burn-off, helping you to become slim. Not to be seen as a singular solution, exercise and good eating habits need to be taken into account.


Aug 5, 2013

Vitamins & Minerals in Hemp

Vitamins and minerals have a specific role in the body, but together they are important to keep body cells healthy. Some of the vitamins and minerals present in hemp that benefit our health and well-being are discussed below.


Essential to numerous bodily functions including the production of healthy blood cells and cells that line the digestive tract. It is especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth since folate is necessary for the creation and maintenance of new cells, and for DNA and RNA synthesis. Folate is also essential for the prevention of neural tube defects of a fetus during the first few weeks of pregnancy.


Plays a critical role in the energy metabolism of all cells. Thiamine aids in the conversion of carbohydrates and amino acids into energy and is essential for proper functioning of the heart, muscles and nervous system.


Part coenzymes active in energy metabolism of all cells. It is also essential for body growth, reproduction, red cell production and supports normal vision and skin health.


Participates in the energy metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It aids in the functioning of the digestive system, nervous system, and conversion of food into energy for normal growth and development.


Aids in the production of antibodies in the immune system, helps maintain normal nerve function and is required for the metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids. Vitamin B6 helps synthesize hemoglobin (red blood cells) and neurotransmitters (communication molecule of the brain). Vitamin B6 helps regulate blood glucose and is critical to the development of the brain and nervous system of a fetus.


An antioxidant and serves as the body’s main defense against oxidative damage. It forms part of the cell membrane of red and white blood cells and it protects polyunsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin E is also crucial for normal nerve development.


Along with phosphorous is important in bone and teeth formation. It helps to maintain a normal blood pressure and plays an essential role in blood clotting. Calcium is necessary for muscle contraction and for a normal heartbeat.


Aids the body’s growth and maintenance. Potassium helps maintain normal water balance between the cells and body fluids, electrolyte balance, cell integrity and is critical to maintaining a heartbeat, proper heart function, the transmission of nerve impulses and contraction of muscles.


Together with calcium is vital in the formation of bone and teeth. It forms part of the molecule of the phospholipids that are principal components of cell membranes. Phosphorus is part of the DNA and RNA of every cell. It is essential for growth and renewal of tissues and helps maintain the acid-base balance of cellular fluids.


Assists in absorption of calcium and potassium in the body. Magnesium is also involved in bone mineralization, activating B vitamins, acting as a nerve and muscle relaxant and providing blood clotting. Magnesium is also involved in protein synthesis and is responsible for the release and use of energy from nutrients.


Required by our bodies for absorption, storage and metabolism of iron, the formation of hemoglobin (red blood cells) and collagen (connective tissue). Copper helps supply oxygen to the body and is required for brain development and nerve cell communication.


A major component of hemoglobin and myoglobin, both of which are responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood and to our muscles. Iron is required in our bodies to make new cells, amino acids, hormones and neurotransmitters. Iron is also important for enzymatic activity in energy-yielding pathways and is involved in producing ATP (adenosine triphosphate) the body’s energy source.


Assists enzyme activity in all our cells. Zinc also aids protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and supports the immune system, growth, development and reproduction, wound healing, healthy skin, nails and eyes.


Works with different enzymes to facilitate body processes. It is involved in the formation of connective tissue, bones, blood clotting and reproductive hormones. Manganese is also required for normal brain and nerve function.


Plays a crucial role in brain function and normal growth and development. It also helps to stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism and maintain the reproductive system.


Beneficial for heart health and supports immunity. Omega-3s reduces inflammation in many body tissues, including the arteries of the heart. It has a crucial role in brain function and growth and development.


Helps to promote normal blood cholesterol and regulates blood glucose and maintains a healthy bowel function. Fibre also helps in the maintenance of a healthy body weight by increase the feeling of fullness.


A measure of the effects of available carbohydrates on blood glucose. Hemp products do not have significant levels of available carbohydrate therefore the GI cannot be measured. Since most hemp products are high in dietary fibre, this does not affect the blood glucose level. The concentration of blood glucose remains constant as hemp products are consumed.


Apr 26, 2013

Hemp Oil Canada - presentation

Hemp Oil Canada Inc. - HOCI - is an innovative agri-food and body care processing company based in Ste. Agathe, Manitoba approximately 15 miles/25 kms south of the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba in the heart of the Canadian prairies.

Hemp Oil Canada Inc. is dedicated to the procurement, processing, marketing & distribution of bulk hemp food products, in addition to offering private label and custom processing. Our company goal is to produce the highest quality, nutritious hemp seed derivatives for use by value-added food processors, manufacturers and distributors creating a wide range of edible foods and nutritional supplements.

Hemp Oil Canada Inc. is determined to bring hemp food products into the mainstream by promoting greater public awareness and media exposure to the exceptional, nutritious and healthy composition contained within the hemp seed. The proven nutritional benefits of hemp seed and oil products go far beyond providing just dietary supplementation. Rather these products can be used as "functional foods" offering health benefits to reverse the effects of degenerative diseases and their related symptoms.

Hemp Oil Canada - video presentation:
